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Kelly Clarkson x Wayfair

Creative Strategy + Copywriting

In a stressful and competitive home shopping environment, Wayfair needed a hero who could cut through the noise, and inspire customers, while still maintaining a level of relatability. Enter: Kelly Clarkson.

My work focused on presenting Kelly not as a spokesperson, but a genuine fan of Wayfair who wanted to show others how easy it was to create a unique space. From the marketing campaign to the brand book for her Wayfair-exclusive line, I wrote everything from the POV of Kelly herself – working closely with her team to capture her famous voice and tone.

The results? A 7% lift in TV response, 7.7% lift in site traffic, and Wayfair’s highest-revenue driving exclusive brand that outperformed traffic to other brands by 115%.

Kelly Clarkson x Wayfair: Clients
Kelly Clarkson x Wayfair: My Work
Kelly Clarkson x Wayfair: Pro Gallery
Kelly Clarkson x Wayfair: My Work
Kelly Clarkson x Wayfair: Image
Kelly Clarkson x Wayfair: My Work
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